All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AboutNotURIRule |
This rule is able to detect whether an about value is a valid URL or otherwise is a valid relative URL.
AcceptHeaderBuilder |
Concatenates a collection of MIME specs in "type/subtype;q=x.x" notation into an HTTP Accept header value, and
removes duplicates and types covered by wildcards.
AdrExtractor |
Extractor for the adr microformat.
AdrExtractorFactory |
Any23 |
A facade with convenience methods for typical Any23 extraction operations.
Any23PluginManager |
The Any23PluginManager is responsible for inspecting dynamically the classpath and retrieving useful classes.
Any23ValueFactoryWrapper |
Any23 specialization of the ValueFactory .
Author |
Describes the author of the plugin.
BaseRDFExtractor |
BenchmarkTripleHandler |
ByteArrayDocumentSource |
CompositeTripleHandler |
A TripleHandler multi decorator, that wraps zero or more other triple handlers and dispatches all events to
each of them.
Configuration |
Defines the main Any23 configuration.
CountingTripleHandler |
A simple TripleHandler that merely counts the number of triples it has received.
This vocabulary models the structure of a CSV file according the
RFC 4180.
CSVExtractor |
This extractor produces RDF from a CSV file .
CSVExtractorFactory |
CSVReaderBuilder |
This class is responsible to build a reader first guessing the configuration from the file it self and then, if not
successful, from the DefaultConfiguration .
DCTerms |
The DCTERMS vocabulary.
DecoratingWriterFactory |
Base interface used for constructors of decorating TripleHandler implementations.
DefaultConfiguration |
DefaultDOMDocument |
This class wraps the DOM document.
DefaultHTTPClient |
DefaultHTTPClientConfiguration |
DefaultModifiableConfiguration |
DefaultRuleContext |
DefaultValidationReport |
DefaultValidationReportBuilder |
DefaultValidator |
DiscoveryUtils |
This class provides utility methods for discovering classes in packages.
DocumentReport |
Represents the validationReportBuilder generated by a the TagSoupParser when a document is retrieved and
DocumentSource |
A source of input streams.
DOMDocument |
This interface models a document to be processed by the Validator .
DomUtils |
This class provides utility methods for DOM manipulation.
ElementsProcessor |
ElementsProcessor.ModelHolder |
A model holder describes the two required parameters which makes a model useful in further processing: a root
node and model itself.
EmbeddedJSONLDExtractor |
This extractor represents the HTML script tags used to embed blocks of data in documents.
EmbeddedJSONLDExtractorFactory |
EmptyValidationReport |
EncodingDetector |
Defines a detector for charset encoding.
EntityBasedMicroformatExtractor |
Base class for microformat extractors based on entities.
ExampleInputOutput |
A reporter for example input and output of an extractor.
ExtractionContext |
This class provides the context for the processing of a single Extractor .
ExtractionContextBlocker |
A wrapper around a TripleHandler that can block and unblock calls to the handler, either for the entire
document, or for individual ExtractionContext s.
ExtractionException |
Defines a specific exception raised during the metadata extraction phase.
ExtractionParameters |
This class models the parameters to be used to perform an extraction.
ExtractionParameters.ValidationMode |
Declares the supported validation actions.
ExtractionReport |
This class contains some statistics and general information about an extraction.
ExtractionResult |
Interface defining the methods that a representation of an extraction result must have.
ExtractionResultImpl |
Extractor<Input> |
It defines the signature of a generic Extractor.
Extractor.BlindExtractor |
This interface specializes an Extractor able to handle URI as input format.
Extractor.ContentExtractor |
Extractor.TagSoupDOMExtractor |
ExtractorDescription |
It defines a minimal signature for an Extractor description.
ExtractorDocumentation |
This class provides some command-line documentation about available extractors and their usage.
ExtractorFactory<T extends Extractor<?>> |
ExtractorGroup |
It simple models a group of ExtractorFactory providing simple accessing methods.
ExtractorPlugin<T extends Extractor<?>> |
ExtractorRegistry |
An interface to the enable a registry for extractors to be implemented by different implementors of this API.
ExtractorRegistryImpl |
Singleton class acting as a register for all the various Extractor .
FileDocumentSource |
FileUtils |
Utility class for handling files.
Fix |
This interface models a fix for an issue.
FormatWriter |
Base interface used for the definition of RDF format writers.
FunctionalSyntaxExtractor |
FunctionalSyntaxExtractorFactory |
GeoExtractor |
Extractor for the Geo microformat.
GeoExtractorFactory |
GeoNames |
HAdrExtractor |
Extractor for the h-adr microformat.
HAdrExtractorFactory |
HCalendarExtractor |
HCalendarExtractorFactory |
HCard |
Vocabulary to map the h-card microformat.
HCardExtractor |
Extractor for the hCard microformat.
HCardExtractor |
Extractor for the h-Card microformat.
HCardExtractorFactory |
HCardExtractorFactory |
HCardName |
An HCard name, consisting of various parts.
HeadLinkExtractor |
HeadLinkExtractorFactory |
HEntry |
Vocabulary to map the h-entry microformat.
HEntryExtractor |
Extractor for the h-entry microformat.
HEntryExtractorFactory |
Extractor for the h-entry microformat.
HEvent |
Vocabulary to map the h-event microformat.
HEventExtractor |
Extractor for the h-event microformat.
HEventExtractorFactory |
HGeoExtractor |
Extractor for the h-geo microformat.
HGeoExtractorFactory |
HItem |
Vocabulary to map the h-item microformat.
HItemExtractor |
Extractor for the h-item microformat.
HItemExtractorFactory |
HListing |
HListingExtractor |
HListingExtractorFactory |
HProduct |
HProductExtractor |
HProductExtractorFactory |
HRecipe |
Vocabulary to map the hRecipe microformat.
HRecipeExtractor |
Extractor for the hRecipe microformat.
HRecipeExtractor |
Extractor for the hRecipe microformat.
HRecipeExtractorFactory |
HRecipeExtractorFactory |
HResume |
HResumeExtractor |
Extractor for the hResume microformat.
HResumeExtractor |
Extractor for the hResume microformat.
HResumeExtractorFactory |
HResumeExtractorFactory |
HReviewAggregateExtractor |
HReviewAggregateExtractorFactory |
HReviewExtractor |
Extractor for the hReview microformat.
HReviewExtractorFactory |
HTMLDocument |
A wrapper around the DOM representation of an HTML document.
HTMLDocument.TextField |
This class represents a text extracted from the HTML DOM related to the node from which such test has been
HTMLMetaExtractor |
HTMLMetaExtractorFactory |
HTTPClient |
HTTPClientConfiguration |
HTTPDocumentSource |
Vocabulary definitions from ical.rdf
ICalExtractor |
ICalExtractorFactory |
ICBMExtractor |
Extractor for "ICBM coordinates" provided as META headers in the head of an HTML page.
ICBMExtractorFactory |
IgnoreAccidentalRDFa |
A TripleHandler that suppresses output of the RDFa parser if the document only contains "accidental" RDFa,
like stylesheet links and other non-RDFa uses of HTML's
IgnoreTitlesOfEmptyDocuments |
Includes |
This annotation could be used to decorate a MicroformatExtractor to represent which of the other
Microformats could it nest.
Includes |
This annotation could be used to decorate a MicroformatExtractor to represent which of the other
Microformats could it nest.
IssueReport |
This interface models an issue reporter.
IssueReport.Issue |
This class defines a generic issue traced by this extraction result.
IssueReport.IssueLevel |
Possible issue levels.
Item |
Base class for Microdata items.
ItemProp |
Describes a Microdata item property.
ItemPropValue |
Describes a possible value for a Microdata item property.
ItemPropValue.Type |
Supported types.
ItemScope |
This class describes a Microdata itemscope.
JCalExtractor |
JCalExtractorFactory |
JSONLDExtractor |
JSONLDExtractorFactory |
JSONLDWriter |
JSONLDWriterFactory |
JSONWriter |
JSONWriterFactory |
JsoupUtils |
LicenseExtractor |
LicenseExtractorFactory |
LKIFCoreAction |
An implementation of the lkif-core vocabulary which is a
library of ontologies relevant for the legal domain.
LKIFCoreExpression |
An implementation of the lkif-core vocabulary which is a
library of ontologies relevant for the legal domain.
LKIFCoreLegalAction |
An implementation of the lkif-core vocabulary which is a
library of ontologies relevant for the legal domain.
LKIFCoreLegalRole |
An implementation of the lkif-core vocabulary which is a
library of ontologies relevant for the legal domain.
LKIFCoreMereology |
An implementation of the lkif-core vocabulary which is a
library of ontologies relevant for the legal domain.
LKIFCoreNorm |
An implementation of the lkif-core vocabulary which is a
library of ontologies relevant for the legal domain.
LKIFCoreProcess |
An implementation of the lkif-core vocabulary which is a
library of ontologies relevant for the legal domain.
LKIFCoreRelativePlaces |
An implementation of the lkif-core vocabulary which is a
library of ontologies relevant for the legal domain.
LKIFCoreRole |
An implementation of the lkif-core vocabulary which is a
library of ontologies relevant for the legal domain.
LKIFCoreRules |
An implementation of the lkif-core vocabulary which is a
library of ontologies relevant for the legal domain.
LKIFCoreTime |
An implementation of the lkif-core vocabulary which is a
library of ontologies relevant for the legal domain.
LKIFCoreTimeModification |
An implementation of the lkif-core vocabulary which is a
library of ontologies relevant for the legal domain.
LKIFCoreTop |
An implementation of the lkif-core vocabulary which is a
library of ontologies relevant for the legal domain.
LocalCopyFactory |
LoggingTripleHandler |
Triple handler decorator useful for logging purposes.
LogUtils |
ManchesterSyntaxExtractor |
ManchesterSyntaxExtractorFactory |
MathUtils |
Mathematical utility functions.
MemCopyFactory |
Creates local copies of DocumentSource by reading them into an in-memory buffer.
MetaNameMisuseFix |
Fixes the misuse of the meta name attribute.
MetaNameMisuseRule |
Checks whether the meta attribute name is used to contain a property.
MicrodataExtractor |
MicrodataExtractorFactory |
MicrodataParser |
Command line Microdata parser, accepting both files and URLs and returing a JSON representation of the
extracted metadata as described at Microdata JSON Specification.
MicrodataParser |
This class provides utility methods for handling Microdata nodes contained within a DOM document.
MicrodataParser.MicrodataParserDocumentSourceConverter |
MicrodataParserException |
Defines an exception occurring while parsing Microdata.
MicrodataParserReport |
MicroformatExtractor |
Microformats2Prefixes |
MimeDetector |
Commandline tool to detect MIME Types from file, HTTP and direct input sources.
MimeDetector.MimeDetectorDocumentSourceConverter |
MIMEType |
A MIME type with an optional q (quality) value.
MIMETypeDetector |
This detector is able to estimate the MIME type of some given raw data.
MissingItemscopeAttributeValueFix |
MissingItemscopeAttributeValueRule |
This fixes missing attribute values for the 'itemscope' attribute Typically when such a snippet of XHTML is fed
through the RDFa11Extractor , and subsequently to Sesame's SesameRDFaParser,
it will result in the following behavior.
MissingOpenGraphNamespaceRule |
This rule detects the issue of missing Open Graph namespace.
ModifiableConfiguration |
NaiveMIMETypeDetector |
NQuadsExtractor |
NQuadsExtractorFactory |
NQuadsWriter |
NQuadsWriterFactory |
NTriplesExtractor |
NTriplesExtractorFactory |
NTriplesWriter |
NTriplesWriterFactory |
OGPArticle |
OGPBook |
OGPMusic |
OGPProfile |
OGPVideo |
OpenGraphNamespaceFix |
This fixes the missing Open Graph protocol.
PluginVerifier |
Commandline utility to verify the Any23 plugins and extract basic information.
PopularPrefixes |
This class act as a container for various well-known and adopted RDF Vocabulary prefixes.
Prefixes |
A mapping from prefixes to namespace IRIs.
Programme |
Purifier |
This interface defines a minimum set of methods that a TikaMIMETypeDetector could call in order to clean the input
before performing the MIME type detection.
QuadTemplate |
This class models a NQuads template, that is a quadruple in which any component can be a variable.
RDFa11Extractor |
RDFa11ExtractorFactory |
RDFa11Parser |
RDFa11ParserException |
RDFaExtractor |
RDFaExtractorFactory |
RDFHandlerAdapter |
An RDFHandler that relays statements and prefix definitions to an ExtractionResult .
RDFParserFactory |
This factory provides a common logic for creating and configuring correctly any RDF parser used within the
RDFSchemaUtils |
This class provides a set of methods for generating RDF Schema.
RDFUtils |
Basic class providing a set of utility methods when dealing with RDF.
RDFWriterTripleHandler |
A TripleHandler that writes triples to a Sesame RDFWriter , eg for serialization
using one of Sesame's writers.
RDFXMLExtractor |
RDFXMLExtractorFactory |
RDFXMLWriter |
RDFXMLWriterFactory |
ReaderInputStream |
Adapts a Reader as an InputStream .
ReportingTripleHandler |
A TripleHandler that collects various information about the extraction process, such as the extractors used
and the total number of triples.
RepositoryWriter |
An RDF4J repository triple writer.
Review |
Vocabulary definitions from vocabularies/review.rdf
ReviewAggregate |
Rover |
A default rover implementation.
Rover.ArgumentToIRIConverter |
Rover.PrintStreamConverter |
Rule |
Models a rule for an issue detection.
RuleContext<T> |
This context is used to pass data from a Rule to a Fix .
SchemaOrg |
SerializationException |
Setting<V> |
Represents a setting key paired with a compatible value.
Settings |
This class represents an immutable Set of Setting objects, with the additional property that
no two settings having the same identifier can be simultaneously present in a
Settings object.
SimpleExtractorFactory<T extends Extractor<?>> |
This class models an internal Sindice Vocabulary to describe resource domains and Microformat nesting
SingleDocumentExtraction |
This class acts as a facade where all extractors (for a given MIMEType) can be called on a single document.
SingleDocumentExtractionReport |
SpanCloserInputStream |
Extension of InputStream meant to detect and replace any occurrence of inline span:
SpeciesExtractor |
SpeciesExtractorFactory |
StreamUtils |
Contains general utility functions for handling streams.
StringDocumentSource |
StringUtils |
This class provides a set of string utility methods.
TagSoupExtractionResult |
This interface models a specific ExtractionResult able to collect property roots generated by HTML
Microformat extractions.
TagSoupExtractionResult.PropertyPath |
Defines a property path object.
TagSoupExtractionResult.ResourceRoot |
Defines a property root object.
TagSoupParser |
TagSoupParser.ElementLocation |
Describes a DOM Element location.
TemplateGraph |
Represents an Quad graph IRI template.
TemplateObject |
Represents a Quad object template.
TemplateObject.Type |
Supported object types.
TemplatePredicate |
Represents a Quad predicate template.
TemplateSubject |
Represents a Quad subject template.
TemplateSubject.Type |
Supported subject types.
TemplateXPathExtractionRule |
TemplateXPathExtractionRuleImpl |
Term<T extends org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Value> |
Represents a generic template term.
TikaEncodingDetector |
TikaMIMETypeDetector |
TitleExtractor |
Extracts the value of the <title> element of an HTML or XHTML page.
TitleExtractorFactory |
Tool |
Defines a runnable CLI tool.
ToolRunner |
This class is the main class responsible to provide a uniform command-line access points to all the others tools like
Rover .
TripleFormat |
TripleFormat.Capabilities |
TripleHandler |
Defines a document based triple handler.
TripleHandlerException |
Defines a generic exception raised when accessing to TripleHandler class.
TripleWriter |
Base interface for triple writers that don't need an extraction context to write triples
TripleWriterFactory |
Base interface for constructors of TripleHandler implementations that write to an OutputStream using
a particular FileFormat .
TripleWriterHandler |
TriXExtractor |
TriXExtractorFactory |
TriXWriter |
TriXWriterFactory |
TurtleExtractor |
TurtleExtractorFactory |
TurtleHTMLExtractor |
Extractor for Turtle/N3 format embedded within HTML script tags.
TurtleHTMLExtractorFactory |
TurtleWriter |
TurtleWriterFactory |
URIListWriter |
This writer simply produces a list of unique IRI present in the subject or in the object of every single
extracted RDF Statement.
URIListWriterFactory |
URLUtils |
Contains general utility functions for handling URLs.
ValidationReport |
This class contains the report of a validation performed by the Validator class.
ValidationReport.Error |
An error occurred while performing the validation process.
ValidationReport.FixError |
An error occurred while executing a fix.
ValidationReport.Issue |
An issue found during the validation process.
ValidationReport.IssueLevel |
Defines the different issue levels.
ValidationReport.RuleActivation |
This class describes the activation of a rule.
ValidationReport.RuleError |
An error occurred while executing a rule.
ValidationReportBuilder |
The report interface is used to generate diagnostics about validation.
ValidationReportSerializer |
Defines a serializer for validation reports.
Validator |
The validator class allows to perform validation - correction of related to HTML Document
ValidatorException |
Models any exception raised by the Validator .
Variable |
VCard |
Vocabulary definitions from vcard.owl
VocabPrinter |
Prints out the vocabulary RDFSchema as NQuads.
VocabPrinter.RDFFormatConverter |
Vocabulary |
Base class for the definition of a vocabulary.
WhiteSpacesPurifier |
Implementation of Purifier that removes all the eventual blank characters at the header of a file that might
prevents its MIME Type detection.
WO |
WriterFactory |
WriterFactoryRegistry |
WriterSettings |
This class encapsulates commonly supported settings for TripleWriter implementations.
XCalExtractor |
XCalExtractorFactory |
XFNExtractor |
Extractor for the XFN microformat.
XFNExtractorFactory |
XMLValidationReportSerializer |
XMLValidationReportSerializer.NodeName |
Allows to specify a custom node name.
XPathExtractionRule |
XPathExtractor |
XPathExtractorFactory |
XSLTStylesheet |
An XSLT stylesheet loaded from an InputStream, can be applied to DOM trees and writes the result to a Writer .
XSLTStylesheetException |
This vocabulary describes model of the yaml file.
YAMLExtractor |
YAMLExtractorFactory |
YAMLProcessorException |